Airport bus


Airport bus - COBUS 3000

Aeroplanes have to fly!
Minimising “ground times” is a major goal and a logistical challenge for each and every airport. Due to infrastructural limits growth is often only possible by way of creating remote position loading areas which, when combined with the COBUS, offer the most economical solution for passenger transport.

COBUS 3000 - at first glance
Remember: The trip across the apron is often the first and last(ing) impression that a passenger has of your country. The COBUS 3000 makes sure that this impression remains a positive one. Knowing this, customers have trusted the COBUS transport concept for four generations already.




COBUS 3000 - unbeatable features
The outstanding transport capacity ensures efficient fleet management
Shortest possible boarding and de-boarding times enable short turnarounds
Passenger doors on both sides of the vehicle guarantee maximum mobility
The engine gear unit which has been developed especially for airport operation, achieves unbeatable cost effectiveness
The aluminium body allows the COBUS to enjoy a lifespan of at least 25 years

COBUS 3000 - optimally equipped
An ergonomically designed cockpit and control elements, a fully adjustable driver’s seat and an air conditioning unit - all as standard features allow for a stress-free operating climate for the Captain of the COBUS. Large, well positioned rear view mirrors both inside and outside the cab and exceptionally good all round vision facilitate easy manoeuvring even in the busy apron areas.
The ingenious, purpose-designed arrangement of all technical components belonging to the COBUS chassis provides optimum accessibility, thus reducing maintenance and servicing times. And those who save time also save operating costs.

Three extra wide automatic double doors guarantee a smooth, safe and easy entry or exit on either side of the COBUS. The pneumatic suspension can be “kneeled” allowing the passengers an entry or exit step height of only 290 mm, thus ensuring the shortest possible boarding and de-boarding times.

The “two way” exhaust system automatically directs the exhaust gases to the opposite side of the bus to where any doors are open.

COBUS 3000 - our performance - your advantage
Up to 112 passengers (in accordance with IATA AHM 950) can be comfortable transported at one time. This is almost double the amount that can travel in a conventional city bus. The level of interior trim corresponds to the highest quality demands, choice of colours and materials and up to 14 seats offer a comfortable and relaxed passanger area. An optimised arrangement of hand rails guarantees the highest safety standards for all persons travelling in the COBUS.
Plenty of head room above the passengers, together with tilting windows and electrically operated roof hatches ensure a pleasant climate throughout the passenger compartment. Various optional air conditioning systems are offered for the passenger compartment should unusually extreme conditions make them a requirement.

Our performance - Your advantage



One COBUS instead of two city buses.
The COBUS 3000 can move up to 112 passengers - which is just simply double the capacity of one city bus. And what does this double capacity imply?
Double bus capacity = multiple advantages:
smaller bus fleets
lower investment
50 % less personnel costs
higher flexibility

In addition the interior floor is flat and without steps, thus allowing several passengers at сі time to get on the bus through the extra large doors and to quickly and com fortably find a place inside the passenger compartment.

4-5 litres of diesel per operating hour!
What further argument is needed besides these unbeatable consumption figures of the COBUS?
The engine and transmission are designed uniquely for airport operation and guarantee optimal acceleration in each driving mode - all this at only a third of the fuel consumed by comparable buses. Taking into consideration that one COBUS replaces two city buses, there are fuel savings of up to 90,000 litres of diesel per year.

Special requirements
Would you like to have some out-of-the-line features?
That’s all right with us, because unique requirements are our specialty. Even though the COBUS in its standard configuration covers almost any demand, some opera¬tional, local or legal requirements may call for special equipment.
And what is best: Many of these extra options can be easily installed Iciter on at the final destination.

Wheel chair ramp
Duct heat blowers
Power pack АРХ

COBUS 3000 - quality from start to finish
The series-production of the COBUS low floor chassis and the COBUS aluminium body guarantee highest quality standards and minimum lifetime of the vehicle of at least 25 years.
Two plants with state-of-the-art production processes and several production lines, exclusively reserved for the COBUS, ensure the fastest delivery times with simultaneous high individualisation.

The COBUS chassis is the basis for successful operation on the airport apron. Large, multiple compressed air reservoirs allow for trouble-free handling in the typical “stop and go” conditions of airport operation.

The Mercedes Benz drive train unit ensures unbeatably low fuel consumption and therefore contributes to the low operating costs.
Aluminium service flaps fitted to the sides, and flaps fitted to the front and rear of the COBUS allow simple and direct access to all maintenance-relevant components. In the case of accidental damage, all flaps can be quickly and easily replaced thus reducing any “down-time” normally associated with bodywork repairs.
Excellent maintainability due to easy accessible switch board.

Technical data

MERCEDES BENZ BF 30 low floor 7,100 mm

ALLISON automatic with 5 forward and 1 reverse gear Pneumatic with “kneeling system”
“Two way” system exhausting to the side with the closed doors Approx. 290 mm 20,400 kg 10,000 kg

Worldwide patented CO-BOLT aluminium body with сі lifetime of at least 25 years Up to 112 pax and up to 14 seated (according to IATA AHM 950)
Level floor throughout with no steps or incline 3 automatic doors per side of extra wide design
Air conditioning for driver’s cab, 2 electrically operated roof hatches in the passenger compartment
The COBUS 3000 fulfils the requirements of the IATA Aircraft Handling Manual 950.

Available there are 4 same buses - 2001 of release
The price - 99,000 Euro (exw, EU).

Van Hool NV
Bus and Trailer Manufacturers

Koningshooikt, October 19, 2012

Van Hool is a Belgian family company with more than 60 years of experience in the production of buses, coaches and commercial vehicles. Van Hool is known by its customers as a manufacturer of high quality vehicles, developed in accordance to the European regulations and standards while built to the clients desires and the environment where the vehicles will be put into service.

Our buses, coaches and commercial vehicles are driven all over the world, including in the Middle East and Africa.

Please find hereunder a brief introduction of our company and our AP2375 Airport bus model.


Airport passenger transportation
Van Hool has a long tradition in building airport buses for airports throughout the world. A few examples are the airport of Milano (Italy), Algiers (Algeria) and Changi (Singapore).

Last year, Van Hool once again took up the challenge to design and develop an Apron bus. As Van Hool is known for its innovations and custom-built vehicles, it was decided that the Apron bus should be a vehicle which stands out in front of the competition and which brings something new to the world of Apron buses: the Van Hool AP2375.
With the extensive experience Van Hool has built up during the years it manufactured Apron buses, a brand new Apron vehicle was designed and developed.
The vehicle is fully adapted to the demands and requirements of modern world and regulations while remaining flexible in the design and layout in order to meet the clients desires and whishes to the fullest.


Van Hool AP2375

Van Hool has developed and build the world’s largest airport bus with a stunning capacity of 160 passengers in compliance with the IATA regulation of 4 passengers per m2 (AHM – Airport Handling Manual - 950). This regulation is based on the number of passengers allowed depending on the m2 surface area of the bus.

The development of this high capacity bus was inspired by the fact that most common airplanes have a capacity of 125 to 160 passengers while the biggest airplanes have a capacity of more than 700 passengers for the latest models.
Thus one can note that unloading one entire airplane (with an average capacity) only necessitates 1 high capacity AP2375 while using a common airport bus with a capacity of 100 to 110 passengers will necessitate the use of 2 vehicles.

In order to obtain a smooth passengers in- and outflow, the vehicle as delivered to Algiers airport was equipped with 6 doors: 1 in the front, 1 in the rear, 2 in the left-hand side and 2 in the right-hand side. There are however other possibilities as for example: 3 doors in the right-hand side, no door in the front and no door in the rear.
From another point of view, the required investment per transported passenger is much higher when using a common airport bus with a capacity of 100 to 110 passengers compared to the high capacity AP2375.

EGSA (Algeria) already saw this reality by purchasing 10 AP1137 in 1992 and these vehicles are still in operation according to our resources. SGSIA (Algeria) also acknowledged this approach by purchasing three AP2375 Airport Buses in the beginning of 2012.

We thus conclude by stating that less high capacity AP2375 buses are needed compared to common airport buses which drastically reduces not only the investment costs but also labor costs, maintenance costs,….

Advantages of the Van Hool AP2375
Reducing the number of buses needed to transport the same amount of passengers by choosing the high capacity AP2375 gives following advantages :
- Lower investment costs
- Higher return on investment
- Lower drivers costs
- Lower maintenance costs
- Lower fuel costs
- Lower storage building costs
- Less environmental damages
- Reduction tarmac congestion

Technical specifications
- Engine :
- Diesel : Standard EURO 5, but related to local fuel quality EURO 3 or EURO 4 available
- Hybrid : Diesel / Electric
- Makes : Depending clients desires and on local givens (availability of after sales)
- Gearbox :
- Automatic
- Makes : Depending clients desires and on local givens (availability of after sales)

As Van Hool is always building its vehicles to the desires of the clients, it offers a special “Heavy Duty” execution for regions where the vehicles are pushed to their limits.
Van Hool has build the AP2375 in “Heavy Duty” for the airport of Algeria where temperatures rise up to 50° Celsius and where dust and sand are potentially dangerous for engine and other components.
This execution is not solely directed at the vehicle itself but also tries to give the passengers as much comfort as possible.
Components “Heavy Duty” execution :
- Extra heavy duty top cooling (Offering perfect cooling up to 55°C outside t°)
- Very practical engine and gearbox (Reducing maintenance costs)
- Air filter on top
- Pneumatic suspension (for the comfort of the passengers)
- And many other components which make this vehicle ideal for heavy conditions.

Nr. of doors - 6-doors
Length - 14,640 m
Width - 3,750 m
Height - 3,300 m
Max nr. passengers - 14 seats + 146 standees + Driver



ЛАЗ-AX183 "Аэропорт"

Автобус разработан конструкторами ЗАО "Львовский автомобильный завод" специально для обслуживания пассажиров в аэропортах. Благодаря удачной компоновке кузов имеет одинаковый ровный пол по всей длине салона.
В низкопольном перронном автобусе ЛАЗ-AX183 органично сочетаются оригинальный дизайн и передовые технологии исполнения, прочность конструкции кузова и надёжность применяемых агрегатов и систем, лёгкость и безопасность управления, комфорт пассажиров и удобство работы водителя.

Долговечность службы кузова и длительный ресурс силового агрегата (1 000 000 км), а также внешний вид автобуса позволят эксплуатировать ЛАЗ-AX183 в течение многих лет, успешно решая задачи перевозки пассажиров и обеспечивая современный имидж аэропортов.






Технические характеристики автобуса ЛАЗ-AX183 "Аэропорт"

Габаритные размеры, мм:
длина / ширина / высота - 12 000 / 2 550 / 3 060
база - 5 850
радиус поворота - 12 500
высота уровня пола - 350

Пасcажировместимость, пас:
полная - 120
количество сидений - 13

формула справа - 1-2-2-2
формула слева - 0-2-2-0

Масса автобуса, кг:
снаряжённого - 11 000
полная - 18 000

Двигатель - MAN или YC-6A или Cummins или Deutz (EURO-2 / EURO-3)
Мощность двигателя - 260-280 кВт (л.с.)
Коробка передач механическая - ZF 6S-90 или автоматическая ZF 6 HP

Максимальная скорость - 100км/ч
Контрольный расход топлива при 60 км/ч, 18л/100 км

Подвеска - пневматическая, зависимая, система подъема и опускания кузова (kneeling)
Тормозная система - двухконтурная, с пневмоприводом, ABS
Дополнительные тормоза - интегрированный автоматический интардер, действующий одновременно с тормозной системой

Шины - 275/80R 22,5

Рулевое управление - ZF с гидроусилителем
Рулевое колесо - регулируемое по высоте и углу наклона с пневматической блокировкой

Место водителя - расположено 280 мм над уровнем пола, аудиосистема со съемной панелью; сдвижное окно в кабине водителя
Сидение водителя - мягкое, на пневмоподвеске, подголовником, подлокотником, поворотное, регулируемое
Пассажирские сидения - комфортные, на стальном каркасе с пластиковой вертикальной опорой подушки

Лобовое стекло - антирефлексное, панорамное, "триплекс"
Стёкла боковых окон - безопасные, закалённые, вклеенные, тонированные
Внешние зеркала - с электроподогревом, электроприводом, регулируемые с рабочего места водителя
Вентиляция - естественная – через люки крыши и форточки боковых окон, принудительная – через вентилятор крыши

Система электрооборудования - постоянного тока, с номинальным напряжением 24В
Система отопления - автономный отопитель 30 кВт с функцией предпускового подогрева двигателя, жидкостные обогреватели в передней и задней части салона
Дополнительный подогрев - предпусковой обогреватель типа Webasto на дизельном топливе

Внутреннее освещение - два ряда плафонов по всей длине салона, управление с рабочего места водителя при помощи двух переключателей на панели приборов

27 Nov 2006

we offer up to 10 used airport buses as follows:

Manufacturer: NEOPLAN
Model: N 9044E


Year: 2000 and 2001
Hours: aprox. 8.000 – 14.000
Engine: DEUTZ Diesel BF 6M 1013 ECP
Driving stands: 2
Aircondition: Yes, but only for the drivers.
Doors; 2 on each side plus front and back door.
Door width: 160 cm
Pax seats: 9
Passenger standing: 90
Weight empty: 16.000 kg
Techn. condition: Very good. All systems functioning.
Colour: White-see foto.
Dimensions: 13,5 x 3,75 x 2,85 meter(length x width x hight )

KATEGORIE - Passagierbus gross
KST W818
EQUIPMENT - 4110040
EIN 20-Mar-2000
Fahrgestell Nr: WAG 290442YNF-----
Betr. Std. 14738
Km – 89 747

Awailability: 3 weeks after receipt of downpayment

Price – 125 000 euro (exw,Germany)
Payment: 50% with the order, balance against forwarders receipt.
Transport: We can arrange ship or land transport.


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